Electronic Document Delivery

Enable secure tracked electronic document delivery to reduce costs and improve customer service and satisfaction.

Bring your print and electronic delivery together into a single system

Enabling electronic document delivery reduces costs and improves customer service and satisfaction. However, sensitive documents such as contracts and agreements need to be handled securely with a full audit trail.

WML’s electronic document delivery solution allows you to transition existing print and mail to secure electronic delivery without disrupting your existing print application. Sensitive documents are delivered to your customers in PDF format via email, SMS and the web, with electronically registered delivery and automatic fall-back to the postal service.

Electronic Delivery is an optional module for WML DataGateway. Our solution integrates into your existing system and adds an electronic delivery option alongside your local or outsourced printing operation.


Electronic Document Delivery Highlights

  • Secure Delivery
    When the customer completes a purchase or requests a document, they receive an SMS or email with a secure link and a code which they use to access their document. They can then view and download the document as a PDF.
  • Email or text message
    Customers need only a mobile phone and access to a web browser to access their document; an email address is not required. A smart phone alone can be used to access documents.
  • Audit Trail
    Access to documents is fully audited. You can tell if a customer successfully downloaded a document or even if they started the download without finishing.
  • Reports
    Daily, emailed management reports are available allowing you to track customer take-up of your electronic delivery option.
  • Fall-back to print and mail
    Not all customers will access their document electronically. After a set period, WML Electronic Delivery will automatically fall-back to print the document for postal delivery, ensuring that you fulfil your statutory requirements.
  • User friendly interface for customer service staff
    Your call centre staff can access a browser-based interface to quickly locate a customer’s details and view the audit trail, re-send email/SMS messages or print the document for immediate postal delivery.
  • Standard email delivery mode
    Allows standard delivery of documents as email attachments when document security is not an issue (for example for marketing materials).
Document Workflow

Contact us for help with WML DataGateway

Contact us for more information about WML DataGateway: