WML DataGateway

The complete modular output management solution for document content control, print centralisation and electronic delivery

DataGateway integrates with your back-office applications and provides all the key features necessary for a complete document delivery solution for print-and-mail, SMS, email, or web portal.

The solution is ideal for insurance and other financial institutions and works well with backoffice systems from CDL (Prescribe or CEDS) and SSP. DataGateway solutions can be tailored to provide exactly the functionality your business requires.

DataGateway Highlights

Fully automated white paper digital printing and electronic document solution – giving you full control of the entire document production process:

Secure electronic delivery with audit trail and fall back to print and mail. Learn more about implementing electronic delivery.

Full audit trail and detailed management information. Create management reports from any of the information contained in your documents. Use feedback of faulty documents to sales and customer service staff to measure and improve document quality.

Secure and Scalable – DataGateway is ideal for consolidating, centralising or outsourcing print operations whilst maintaining control of documents. Email alerts and automated failover can be figured to ensure continuous production.

DataGateway Queues ScreenShot

DataGateway operates in Virtualized Windows, Linux and Unix environments. It can be server or appliance based, or installed as a virtual machine using VMware or Linux KVM.

DataGateway operates in Virtualized Windows, Linux and Unix environments. It can be server or appliance based, or installed as a virtual machine using VMware or Linux KVM.

DataGateway supports data input from PDF, PostScript, XML, CSV, Jetforms, Prescribe and text. Input data can be transferred to any printer in the wide area network, a local desktop printer, MFD or centralised remote production facility.

Please download the DataGateway product data sheet for more information.

Key Features

  • Document quality control with WML Document Content Control (DCC)
    Document Content Control can apply a range of DCC actions to check and augment your documents. The plugin architecture of the DCC action code allows customised actions to be quickly developed.
  • Document sorting with DCC Sort Actions
    Another plugin-style feature of Document Content Control, DCC Sort Actions can post-sort your daily document output prior to printing.
  • Management information. DCC uses the document’s content to identify page and document types.
    It collects information from the document page content into the DCC database. Reports can be generated for held and output documents. Daily spreadsheet reports are available as well as direct, read access to the on-board SQL database for customised reporting.

  • Tracked electronic document delivery of PDF documents to the customer via SMS, email and web portal.
    Non-tracked delivery via email attachment is also featured.

  • Document outsourcing
    Secure encrypted and compressed delivery of documents in real-time to a digital print facility of your choice.

  • Handles CDL Prescribe, CEDS PDF and SSP PDF output formats and can add digital stock overlay or suitable simplex/duplex/media type selection to documents to take advantage of multiple delivery channels.

  • Full digital whitepaper solution
    DataGateway offers PDF document generation and document version control with Template Manager.

For additional details, please download the DataGateway Product Brochure and Datasheet:

Document Workflow

Contact us for help with WML DataGateway

Contact us for more information about WML DataGateway: